It's been years.. much time has passed. I have thought about you from time to time. Gone are the days of old. I'm am no longer drinking the kool aide of Mega church land where you go to hear the music and listen to the cool preacher in skinny jeans trying to be hip and relevant. No more smoke and music so loud your ears hurt. No more flashing lights and being part of the video team. Exhausted.. tired.. lonely.. discouraged I left that land. Close to giving up on God. Was that all their was? Preachers that were surrounded by their 'people' and not shepherding the sheep. It was all about 'vision'. Toeing the line. No one could ask questions. It was all about being apart of the 'team'. Are you in a small group? that was the key to life and solving all your troubles. Are you serving? Tithing? Giving your all to the mega church and its 'pastors' vision? Was there not more?
Since I left mega church land.. much has happened. Trying different churches out.. What was there... too stuffy. too far way, too much like a story time and not about the word of God. Entering the land of discouragement and despair.. was my salvation real? was there a place for a single mid life adult? Could there be a place for me in Gods Kingdom?
Onword... New church.. new direction. Pierced by Gods word.
Your life is short, your duties many, your assistance great, and your reward sure; therefore faint not, hold on and hold up, in ways of well-doing, and heaven shall make amends for all
—Thomas Brooks
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