I was not sure what to read next these dark cold days of my life. I had just finished 1Timothy. I decided Jeremiah would fit my frame of mind. I had only read it once years ago before salvation. It is supposed to be a sad book.
Jeremiah..... brought memories of being in Jeruselem when would go to the wall and pray. I would bescheeh the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with the despair I was going through at the time. The loniness, depression, and culture shock. Going 'Up to Jeruselem' was supposed to be the highlight of a Jew's life.... yet there I was... still alone.. and in despair..wondering where G-d was...He was not there at the wall it seemed.
Now I read...
Jeremiah 1:5 (New American Standard Bible)
5"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,And before you were born I consecrated you;
I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."
A Prophet I am not but if God knew Jeremiah from in the womb He knows me as well. He knows my struggles, trials, loneliness, and at times despair. So... Why then despair.. Despair is someone without hope. I do have hope... in a God that knows me from the womb.
Lord help me to fight the fight of faith. Lord help me to walk the narrow path and not seek the wide path that leads to destruction. Help me to change my attitudes and perspective to those of Your word. I do not see Christmas trees, malls, and Christmas parties and gift exchanges as part of Your word. I would ask that You reveal Yourself to me in Your word. I would see Your church (Your Bride) not a a Mega Church where one goes to sit alone in a pew but as Your body.. that Christ gave Himself up for her. Change my attitudes Lord and make them yours..
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